
Considering private tutoring PODS this school year in New York

Considering Private Tutoring PODS This School Year in New York?

Pres mult | 14 Jul 2021

Considering the changes that our school systems have undergone this past year, private tutoring PODS this school year can help your student succeed in New York. WhizKidz Tutoring offers PODS, both online and in-person, through our subsidiary, WK Pods.

What Exactly are PODS?

PODS is the abbreviated form of Parent Organized Discovery Sites. Although they have been a staple for homeschooling parents for many years, PODS use has seen increases during the COVID-19 pandemic. Traditional PODS are parent-organizations, but many tutoring facilities are developing PODS within their structure.

The basic concept is that students meet in small groups of 2 to 6 children in the same age and grade range, with an adult facilitator. Although the facilitator can be a parent, many private groups are opting to hire professional teachers and tutors to fill these roles. Through guided activities, students learn together, often teaching each other.

With WK PODS, the organization and planning are done by their staff. This ensures that students are learning not just the academic portion, but also good study habits, group participation, and social engagement. Whether you are a homeschooling family or are merely looking to enhance your child’s educational experience, PODS might be the solution you are looking for.

PODS can be useful to enhance learning in any subject area. They are also helpful in test prep for the major tests necessary for college prep (SAT/ACT, Regents, etc.). Whether you are looking for math enrichment for a teen or simple socialization for a preschooler, PODS can be an effective tool.

Success in Learning — PODS Are Effective

Even as students return to classrooms, PODS can be an effective and beneficial addition to regular curriculums. With a relaxed atmosphere in the smaller groups, students work together to help each other learn. Changing roles in schools and communities as students return to school and workers return to offices means looking for new ways to accomplish goals and objectives.

Many neighborhoods organized groups within their “bubble” during the quarantine periods to keep their children moving in a forward direction. Other families were able to hire outside assistance within their communities. School administrators and teachers quickly got online options up and running. To fill the gaps, many small community PODS grew out of necessity and continue to provide options for parents.

As a nation, people saw a problem and addressed it. Now, as we recover and rebuild, WK PODS is moving forward to continue the PODS concept. The proven effectiveness of such programs will continue to serve families well as they move forward also.

PODS Tap into the Way Your Child Thinks

There are several advantages to PODS programs. While we could outline a couple of dozen, we will focus on five.

Kids contribute to the learning cycle. Some children tend to be shy and reserved in regular classrooms, allowing the stronger personality types to control the outcome of group projects. The PODS environment encourages equal participation. In this manner, the children teach each other concepts while sharing tips and tricks.

Social skills get hands-on practice. While families were quarantined, the area with the most impact was student interaction. For children, having social interactions is an important part of the entire education process. With PODS, children can gain valuable social skills in the small group setting.

Kids can be the big fish. We’ve all heard the cliché about the little fish in the big pond and the big fish in the little pond. Most often this analogy is applicable when shifting into a larger school. In the smaller PODS groups, each child can excel individually. Each child has the chance to be the “big fish.” This aids in building confidence, which will carry on into the larger classroom settings in schools.

Motivation remains high. Successes are celebrated, whether small or large. This simple action is known to improve motivation, confidence, and have a positive impact on self-esteem.

Supportive environment. Being in a supportive environment helps children learn to support each other. Whether they are working on a group task or individual tasks, support and understanding from the facilitator and other students are beneficial.

The advantages of PODS should be a consideration when parents look for ways to enhance their child’s educational opportunities.

Will the Popularity of PODS Continue After the Pandemic?

The prospect of PODS surviving post-pandemic is very good. Although many parents will be heading back to offices and students back to classrooms, this small-scale learning tool may be here to stay. Among the many reasons for continuing PODS groups:

  • Parents working at home can still concentrate on work during study periods
  • Stabilizes the educational environment for children who might otherwise feel off-kilter
  • Enhances in-person classroom experiences and learning opportunities
  • Assists parents with a social connection to other parents and a support system

Although PODS may not be the answer for all students, many parents will be continuing this model moving forward. As children transition back into regular classroom instruction, the growing need for outside educational assistance will not disappear. While parents returning to offices for work may no longer have the ability to host in-home PODS, many tutoring services are stepping up to fill the gap.

Considering Private Tutoring PODS This School Year in New York?

If you have been considering using private tutoring and PODS this year, WhizKidz Tutoring in New York has great solutions available through WK PODS. Online and in-person options are available, with safety protocols in place to protect students and teachers.

Because PODS are unique to fit the needs of group members, each PODS group is different. Lesson plans can include the school’s learning guide to provide enrichment for students needing a little extra focus. Sessions are available for daily or weekly meetings to mesh with busy schedules. Preschool PODS include children from 18-months to 5-years-old. All preschool PODS have certified preschool teachers.

From Pre-K to grade 12 and college prep, WK PODS can meet the needs of any small group. They provide services in the areas of NYC, Westchester, Bergan Counties, Rockland, and Long Island, NY.

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