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Meet the New Branch Managers of WhizKidz Tutoring for Long Island NY
Hey there, WhizKidz families! We’ve got some exciting news to share. WhizKidz Tutoring is taking a big step forward by expanding its presence on Long Island, New York. And guess what? We’ve brought on board two fantastic individuals to lead the way as your new Head Consultants. Meet Leah and Joseph Silvestri, a dynamic husband-and-wife […]
How Tutoring Can Help Your Kids Catch Up in New York?
As the entire country attempts to return to normal after a year of turmoil and uncertainty, our schools are leading the charge. That has caused many parents to wonder if tutoring can help their kids catch up in New York. The short answer is yes; tutoring has been shown to have a large impact on […]
SHSAT Tips: Comprehensive Guide to Acing the Test This 2023
Getting an education in New York City can be like trying to find your way through a maze. Yet, at its heart lies a golden key: the Specialized High School Admissions Test, commonly known as the SHSAT. This important test does more than gauge intellectual ability; it also determines admission to the city’s most competitive […]
In The News
Summer Pods, an at-home camp alternative, as featured in Rivertown Moms….
Summer Pods led by Certified Teachers, a traditional camp experience held in camper’s backyards for summer fun, friends and learning enrichment. Teacher-run activities, science, art and crafts, fresh-air fitness, sports, games, theater and more! Create your own WK Pod, daily or weekly, to fit your needs for ages 2-14.
WhizKidz Tutoring
Transition Back to Fulltime School
WhizKidz Tutoring and EveryDay Parenting teamed together to bring a free webinar to parents as their children transition back to full time school after the Covid-19 pandemic hit.
Meet a Mom: Erica Maltz!
For our latest Meet a Mom, we spoke with Erica Maltz, founder and CEO of WhizKidz Tutoring. She created WhizKidz, and its subsidiary WK Pods, with the intention of helping students of all ages gain confidence in themselves to successfully navigate and thrive in school. Erica spoke to us about family, life in the Rivertowns, and what she learned about teaching and tutoring during a pandemic!