Group Tutoring

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Group Tutoring

In-person and online group learning and enrichment

We are here for all your homeschooling needs

Here’s how group tutoring works

  • In-person and online small-group classes provide structured learning and enrichment for kids.
  • The same 4 to 6 students meet regularly with the same certified teacher, grouped by grade-level/age and desire for content covered. Math enrichment, Reading and Writing, Creative Arts Pods, SAT/ACT, Regents prep- all available. A larger group size is available as well.
  • Pre-School groups available for children 18 months-5 years. A certified preschool teacher teaches preschool groups.
  • Classes are held online and in person following protocols.
  • Classes are customized to each group. Enrichment classes are available as well.
  • Sessions available weekly or daily to accommodate family needs.

This 5th math group studies Rube Goldberg, an American cartoonist, sculptor, author, engineer, and inventor. The children create pulleys, inclines, stoppers, and other items that contribute to a closed-loop system where momentum is continuous.

This 2nd-grade group is taking a well-deserved break from their reading, writing, and math to enjoy the sunshine and move their bodies!

This 7th-grade math group is reviewing circles and using a proportional approach to finding the area of a sector of a circle.

Group Tutoring Inquiry